Immigration Evaluations Houston, Texas

Need an immigration “psychological” evaluation in Houston, Katy, or surrounding Texas counties.     I can help you if you have an immigration case and reside anywhere in the State of Texas.

I have experience with evaluations for I-601 Waivers (Extreme Hardship), U-Visa, and VAWA.  After the assessment, I will give you a written report in a timely manner (Usually  within 7 days).

I have worked with many law firms who refer me their client’s, trusting me to do an in-depth evaluation that can be submitted in their cases.   Trust that your evaluation will be prepared by a professional who has experience with the unique requirements of the extreme hardship standards set forth by the USCIS.  I have conducted numerous evaluations both in-person and online.

If you have questions about this process, please call.  I will be happy to spend some time explaining the process and preparing you for the kind of information you will need to provide for your evaluation.

Tiene un caso de inmigracion y necesita un “informe psicologico” en Houston, Katy, o en los condados circundantes de Texas?  Puedo ayudarlo si tiene un caso de inmigración y reside en Texas.  Tengo experencia con evaluaciones psicologicas para casos de I-601 Waiver, U-Visa y VAWA.  Le dare un informe escrito despues de la evaluacion dentro 7 días.  La evaluación se puede conducta en español.

Call me at 713 528-0315.  Your case is important–I am happy to speak to you about what is required for your evaluation.  Please leave a message and I will return your call within 24 hours.  You can also email me at